Cup Care Instructions

1. Always sterilize the period cup before using.
Put boiling water in the sterilizer and leave the Aunt Flo cup inside for 3-5 mins. Proceed to wash the Aunt Flo cup with mild soap and warm water. We suggest doing this everyday within the duration of your cycle.
2. Fold  AUNT FLO period cup to your chosen method.
3. Relax and take your time on inserting the AUNT FLO cup into your vagina.
You can do this while on squat or stand position. Keep the Aunt Flo cup folded until it is entirely inside . Gently release the Aunt Flo cup. It will pop open and seal to your vaginal walls.
4. Change your AUNT FLO cup every 4-12 (ATMOST) hours.
The Aunt Flo cup must be changed every 12 hours atmost and atleast twice a day. Take the time to learn about how your body works. Do not be scared to check if the Aunt Flo cup is already full!
5. Never remove your AUNT FLO cup by pulling ONLY the STEM. Pinch the base of the Aunt Flo cup to release the sealing suction and slowly remove it. Be careful not to spill the blood and make a mess!
6. How to store your AUNT FLO cup.
Once your cycle is over, store your Aunt Flo cup in our cotton bag in order to avoid germs from inhabiting it. We advise that you also wash the cotton bag with mild soap and water after every cycle.